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Vineyard Management Company

A tool tailored for tracking vineyard additions carried out with your clients. Find all this data centralized on a single platform.

Hundreds of vineyard management companies equipped

Manage your mechanical and manual vineyard harvests

1200 GPS units installed

190 000 acres managed

Manage your vineyard operations with transparency and serenity

Anticipate and inform your clients and neighbors about your upcoming and past vineyard operations.

An intuitive interface

Simply visualize the content of your emails and SMS before sending them, and select the recipients and the sending method.

All transmitted messages will be copied into the attachments of your work order.

Record your vineyard operations easily

Increase transparency with your clients and notify them of the smooth progress of your vineyard operations.

Record your contracts by client before the season begins

Select your interventions and then assign the parcels to work on.

Once the season starts, create your work orders from this interface to save time​.

The associated modules

Flexible management according to the needs of your organization, whether you are an estate, a winery, a custom crush facility or a vineyard management company.